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在英语中,有几种常用的表达方式来表达“心想事成”的含义。比如,“dreams come true”(梦想成真)、“wishes come true”(愿望成真)等。这些短语都传递着相同的意思,即通过努力和坚持,我们能够实现自己内心深处的渴望。

除了直接表达之外,还有一些幽默、俏皮的说法来形容“心想事成”。比如,“when pigs fly”(猪会飞)、“when hell freezes over”(地狱会冻结)等。这些说法暗指某件事情几乎不可能发生,但也带有一丝幽默感,在轻松愉快的氛围中表达对于梦想实现的期待。



1. ”Make your dreams come true– [meɪk jɔːr driːmz kʌm truː]

2. ”Manifest your desires– [mænɪfest jɔːr dɪˈzaɪərz]

3. ”Achieve your goals– [əˈtʃiːv jɔːr ɡoʊlz]

4. ”Realize your aspirations– [riəlaɪz jɔːr æspəreɪʃənz]

5. ”Fulfill your wishes– [fʊlˈfɪl jɔːr wɪʃəz]

小标题: 用英语怎么发音


1. ”Make– [meɪk]

2. ”Dreams– [driːmz]

3. ”Come– [kʌm]

4. ”True– [truː]

5. ”Manifest– [mænəfest]

6. ”Desires– [dəzaɪərz]

7. ”Achieve– [ətʃiːv]

8. ”Goals– [goʊlz]

9. ”Realize” -[riəlaɪz]

10. ”Aspirations”-[æspəreɪʃənz]




1. Manifesting success in the translation industry


2. Achieving success through determination in translation


3. Turning dreams into reality in the translation field


4. Making your wishes come true in translation


5. Bringing your aspirations to fruition in the translation industry


6. Fulfilling your goals in the world of translation


7. Turning thoughts into actions in the translation field


8. Making your dreams a reality through translation work


9. Accomplishing your desires through excellence in translation


10. Transforming aspirations into achievements in the translation industry



1. ”Achieve your dreams” is the English equivalent of ”心想事成”.

2. ”Make your wishes come true” translates to ”心想事成” in Chinese.

3. As the saying goes, ”where there’s a will, there’s a way” (有志者事竟成), which conveys the same meaning as ”心想事成”.

4. In English, we often say ”if you can dream it, you can do it”, which captures the idea of ”心想事成”.

5. The phrase ”manifest your desires” is another way to express the concept of ”心想事成”.

6. In Chinese culture, we believe in the power of positive thinking and often say ”心想必成”, which can be translated to ”what you think in your heart will come true”.

7. The English phrase ”turn your dreams into reality” also conveys the idea of making one’s wishes come true.

8. Another common saying in English is ”never give up on your dreams”, which aligns with the belief behind the phrase ”心想事成”.

9. We often use the term ”wish fulfillment” to describe the state of achieving one’s desires, similar to how we use ”心想事成” in Chinese.

10. Finally, a simple and direct translation for ”心想事成” would be ”make your heart’s desires come true


1. Achieve One’s Dreams

– 示例:With hard work and determination, she was able to achieve her dreams of becoming a successful businesswoman.

2. Make One’s Wishes Come True

– 示例:The fairy godmother granted Cinderella’s wish and made her dreams come true.

3. Fulfill One’s Desires

– 示例:He worked tirelessly to fulfill his desires of traveling the world and experiencing different cultures.

4. Realize One’s Aspirations

– 示例:After years of training, she finally realized her aspirations of becoming a professional dancer.

5. Manifest One’s Intentions

– 示例:Through positive thinking and manifestation, he was able to manifest his intentions of finding true love.

6. Accomplish One’s Goals

– 示例:With determination and perseverance, he was able to accomplish his goals of climbing Mount Everest.

7. Attain Success

– 示例:Through hard work and dedication, she was able to attain success in her career as a musician.

8. Reach One’s Objectives

– 示例:She set clear objectives for herself and worked towards them diligently until she reached them.

9. Succeed in One’s Endeavors

– 示例:Despite facing many challenges, he ultimately succeeded in his endeavors of starting his own business.

10. Achieve Victory

– 示例:Through sheer determination, they were able to achieve victory in the championship game



七品教育 心想事成用英语怎么说