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1. boarding的定义


2. boarding的发音


3. boarding的其他含义


4. boarding与lodging的区别


5. boarding与room and board的区别

room and board也可以翻译为“寄宿”,但与boarding不同,room and board强调提供食宿服务,并且通常是指在私人家庭提供住处,而不是在机构或商业场所。

6. boarding的同义词

boarding的同义词包括:embarkation、getting on、lodging、accommodation等。它们都可以表示登机或登船的意思,但有些词更偏重于特定场合,如embarkation通常指登船,getting on更多指登机。

7. boarding的反义词

boarding的反义词为disembarkation和getting off。它们分别表示下船和下飞机。

8. boarding的用法示例

(1) The passengers were boarding the plane.


(2) The students were all boarding at the school.


(3) The company’s board of directors held a meeting.


(4) She found lodging in a small guesthouse.


(5) They offer room and board for students at a reasonable price.








(1) 寄宿制学校:指学生在学校内居住并接受教育的一种形式。例如:“我上小学和中学都是在一所boarding school读书。”

(2) 登机手续:指乘客登机前需要办理的手续。例如:“请您提前到机场完成boarding手续。”


boarding与lodging和room and board都有“寄宿”的意思,但它们之间还是有些许差别。

(1) lodging通常指提供给旅行者或者短期停留者居住的地方,可以是旅馆、招待所等;而room and board则更多指提供房间和饮食服务。

(2) boarding则更加强调寄宿制度,通常指长期居住在某个地方并接受教育或工作。

4. boarding怎么读


5. boarding的相关词汇

(1) board:作为动词时,意为“登上、搭乘”,作为名词时,则有“木板、董事会、委员会”的意思。

(2) boarder:指寄宿者,也可以指在学校或机构居住的学生或员工。

(3) boarder line:指界限线,也可以引申为“极限”、“边缘”等含义。

(4) boarding house:寄宿房屋,通常指提供给学生或旅行者住宿的家庭式旅馆。

6. boarding的用法示例

(1) I went to a boarding school for high school.


(2) The airline requires all passengers to complete the boarding process at least 30 minutes before departure.


(3) She has been living in a boarding house near the university for three years.



1. boarding的用法

– boarding作为名词,指的是“登机”或“上船”的行为。例如:I’m going to do some boarding this weekend.(我这个周末要去登机了。)

– boarding也可以作为动词,表示“提供食宿”。例如:The school is boarding students from other countries.(这所学校给来自其他国家的学生提供食宿。)

– boarding还可以指“董事会”,表示一个组织或公司的管理层。例如:She was elected to the board of directors at the last meeting.(她在上次会议上被选为董事会成员。)

2. 双语例句

– We have to go through security before we can do any boarding.(我们必须通过安全检查才能开始登机。)

– The hotel offers full board, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner.(这家酒店提供全包服务,包括早餐、午餐和晚餐。)

– The company’s decision was approved by the board of directors unanimously.(公司的决定被全体董事会一致通过。)

– The airline offers a variety of options for in-flight dining on long-haul flights, including vegetarian and special dietary meals on request.(这家航空公司在长途航班上提供多种选择,包括根据要求提供素食和特殊膳食。)

– Boarding schools are popular among parents who want their children to receive a well-rounded education.(寄宿学校受到那些希望孩子接受全面教育的家长的欢迎。)

– The board of directors will meet next week to discuss the company’s financial situation.(董事会将于下周开会讨论公司的财务状况。)

– The flight attendant announced that our boarding would be delayed due to bad weather.(空乘人员宣布由于天气不好,我们的登机将延迟。)

– My parents decided to send me to a boarding school in another country for a year to improve my language skills.(我的父母决定让我去另一个国家的寄宿学校一年,以提高我的语言能力。)


1. Boarding pass – 登机牌

2. Boarding gate – 登机口

3. Boarding time – 登机时间

4. Boarding announcement – 登机通知

5. Boarding procedure – 登机流程

6. Boarding group – 登机组别

7. Early boarding – 提前登机

8. Priority boarding – 优先登机

9. Final boarding call – 最后登机通知

10. Pre-boarding – 预先登机

11. On-board entertainment – 机上娱乐设施

12. In-flight meal service – 飞行中的餐食服务

13. Overhead bin space – 上方行李舱空间

14. On-board Wi-Fi – 机上无线网络服务

15. In-flight magazine – 飞行中的杂志

16. In-flight safety demonstration – 飞行中的安全演示

17. Connecting flight boarding – 转接航班登机

18. International flight boarding- 国际航班登机

19. Domestic flight boarding- 国内航班登


1. Lodging

– Definition: a place to stay temporarily, such as a hotel or guesthouse

– Example: The hotel offers comfortable lodging for travelers.

2. Accommodation

– Definition: a place to live or stay, especially on a temporary basis

– Example: The university provides affordable accommodation for students.

3. Residence

– Definition: a place where one lives or stays for an extended period of time

– Example: She moved into her new residence last week.

4. Housing

– Definition: buildings or structures where people live or stay

– Example: The city is facing a shortage of affordable housing options.

5. Room and board

– Definition: accommodations and meals provided in exchange for payment or services

– Example: She works as a nanny and receives room and board as part of her compensation.

6. Quartering

– Definition: providing accommodations, especially for military personnel

– Example: The soldiers were given adequate quartering during their deployment.

7. Shelter

– Definition: a place that provides protection from the elements or danger

– Example: The homeless shelter provides warm meals and beds for those in need.

8. Domicile

– Definition: a permanent residence; home

– Example: After years of moving around, she finally found her true domicile in this small town.

9. Abode

– Definition: a place where one lives; residence

– Example: His abode was located in the heart of the bustling city.

10. Boarding house

– Definition: a house where lodgers rent rooms and share common areas like kitchen and bathroom


He lived in a boarding house with several other students while attending college



七品教育 boarding的解释和发音