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1. polluted的含义


2. polluted的解释

Polluted作为一个形容词,可以表示两种含义。一种是指环境或物质受到了外部污染物的影响而变得不纯净、不健康。比如,“The river is polluted with industrial waste.”(这条河被工业废料污染了。)另一种含义是指思想、语言等受到了不良影响而变得不清晰、混乱。例如,“Her mind was polluted by negative thoughts.”(她的思想被消极的想法所污染。)

3. 污染的类型


4. 污染的影响


5. 污染防治措施












在使用polluted这个词时,我们还需要注意一些常用的搭配。比如,“polluted air”指的是被污染的空气,“polluted water”则表示被污染的水。另外,我们还可以说“a polluted environment”(被污染的环境)、 “a polluted city”(被污染的城市)等。



1. polluted的含义


2. polluted的用法

在双语语境中,polluted可以作为形容词使用,也可以作为动词使用。作为形容词时,常用来修饰环境、水源、空气等,“polluted environment”表示“被污染的环境”,“polluted water”表示“被污染的水源”,“polluted air”表示“被污染的空气”。作为动词时,则表示“使……变得污染”,例如,“Industrial activities have polluted the river.”(工业活动已经污染了这条河流。)

3. polluted的例句

1) The factory’s waste water has polluted the nearby river, making it unsafe for swimming and fishing.(工厂的废水已经污染了附近的河流,使得游泳和钓鱼不再安全。)

2) The city’s air is heavily polluted due to the high volume of traffic.(由于交通量大,这个城市的空气严重受到污染。)

3) The beach was covered in trash, making it a polluted and unpleasant place to visit.(海滩上到处都是垃圾,使得这里成为一个受到污染和不宜游览的地方。)

4) The government has implemented stricter laws to prevent factories from polluting the environment.(政府已经实施了更严格的法律,防止工厂污染环境。)

4. polluted的幽默用法

除了正式的用法外,polluted也可以用来形容其他事物被破坏或变得不好的情况。例如,“My diet was polluted by all the junk food I ate during the holidays.”(我节假日吃了那么多垃圾食品,我的饮食计划完全被破坏了。)“The peaceful atmosphere was polluted by their loud argument.”(他们大声争吵破坏了平静的氛围。)

5. polluted的反义词

如果想要表达相反的意思,可以使用unpolluted,意为“未被污染的”。例如,“The water in this lake is unpolluted and safe to drink.”(这个湖中的水未受到污染,可以安全饮用。)


1. Air pollution 空气污染

– The city is suffering from severe air pollution. 这个城市正遭受着严重的空气污染。

– The factory’s emissions contribute to air pollution in the surrounding area. 工厂的排放物导致周边地区的空气污染。

2. Water pollution 水污染

– Industrial waste has caused serious water pollution in the river. 工业废料导致该河流受到严重的水污染。

– The government has implemented measures to reduce water pollution in the lake. 政府已经采取措施减少该湖泊的水污染。

3. Soil pollution 土壤污染

– The use of pesticides and fertilizers has led to soil pollution in agricultural areas. 杀虫剂和化肥的使用导致农业地区发生土壤污染。

– Landfills are a major source of soil pollution, as they release harmful chemicals into the ground. 垃圾填埋场是土壤污染的主要来源,因为它们会向地下释放有害化学物质。

4. Noise pollution 噪音污染

– The construction site caused a lot of noise pollution in the neighborhood. 施工现场给附近居民带来了大量噪音污染。

– Living near an airport means dealing with constant noise pollution from airplanes taking off and landing. 居住在机场附近意味着要忍受飞机起降带来的持续噪音污染。

5. Light pollution 光污染

– The city’s bright lights contribute to light pollution, making it difficult to see the stars at night. 这个城市璀璨的灯光导致光污染,使得夜晚很难看到星星。

– Installing outdoor lighting that is directed downward can help reduce light pollution in residential areas. 安装向下照明的室外灯具可以帮助减少居民区的光污染。

6. Plastic pollution 塑料污染

– The ocean is facing a major crisis due to plastic pollution, with millions of marine animals dying each year from ingesting plastic waste. 由于塑料污染,海洋正面临重大危机,每年有数百万海洋动物因吞食塑料垃圾而死亡。

– Governments and organizations are taking steps to reduce plastic pollution, such as banning single-use plastics and promoting recycling. 政府和组织正在采取措施减少塑料污染,比如禁止一次性塑料用品和推广回收利用。

7. Chemical pollution 化学物质污染

– The use of pesticides and fertilizers has caused chemical pollution in agricultural areas, affecting both the environment and human health. 杀虫剂和化肥的使用导致农业地区发生化学物质污染,影响了环境和人类健康。

– Industrial activities and improper waste disposal can also lead to chemical pollution in water sources. 工业活动和不当的废弃物处理也会导致水源发生化学物质污染。

8. Radioactive pollution 放射性污染

– Nuclear accidents and improper disposal of radioactive waste can cause radioactive pollution, which has long-term effects on the environment and human health. 核事故和不当处理放射性废料会导致放射性污染,对环境和人类健康产生长期影响。

– The Chernobyl disaster in 1986 is considered one of the worst cases of radioactive pollution in history. 1986年的切尔诺贝利核事故被认为是历史上最严重的放射性污染事件之一。

9. Thermal pollution 热污染

– Industries that release heated water into rivers or lakes can cause thermal pollution, affecting aquatic life and disrupting the ecosystem. 排放加热水进入河流或湖泊的工业活动会导致热污染,影响水生生物并扰乱生态系统。

– Global warming is also a form of thermal pollution, as rising temperatures have negative impacts on the environment. 全球变暖也是一种热污染形式,因为气温升高对环境有负面影响。

10. Visual pollution 视觉污染

– Billboards, litter, and other man-made structures can contribute to visual pollution, making the environment less aesthetically pleasing. 广告牌、垃圾和其他人造结构物都会导致视觉污染,使环境变得不那么美观。

– Proper urban planning and regulations can help reduce visual pollution in cities and towns. 合理的城市规划和法规可以帮助减少城镇的视觉污染


1. Contaminated: 污染的、受污染的。比如:The river was heavily contaminated with industrial waste.

2. Dirty: 脏的、肮脏的。比如:The air in the city is so dirty that I can hardly breathe.

3. Impure: 不纯净的、有杂质的。比如:The water from the tap is impure and not safe for drinking.

4. Tainted: 受到污染的、被玷污的。比如:The food was tainted with bacteria and caused everyone to get sick.

5. Polluted: 污染的、被污染的。比如:The beach was polluted with plastic trash from tourists.

6. Contagious: 传染性的、具有感染力的。比如:His negative attitude is contagious and affects everyone around him.

7. Foul: 恶臭的、有异味的。比如:The smell from the garbage dump was foul and unbearable.

8. Corrupted: 被腐败影响的、堕落的。比如:The government officials were corrupted and took bribes for personal gain.

9. Spoiled: 变质了的、腐败了的。比如:The milk has been left out too long and is now spoiled.

10. Adulterated: 掺假了的、掺杂了其他物质的。比如:Some street vendors sell adulterated food to make more profit

通过以上的介绍,相信大家对于polluted这个词的含义有了更加深刻的理解。polluted一词在英语中发音为/pəˈluːtɪd/,是一个形容词,意为“被污染的”。在双语语境中,我们可以使用polluted来描述环境、空气、水源等被污染的情况。例如,“The river is heavily polluted by industrial waste.”(这条河流被工业废料严重污染)。除此之外,我们还可以用polluted来形容心灵、思想等被负面影响所污染的状态。例如,“His mind is polluted by negative thoughts.”(他的思想被消极的想法所污染)。同时,我们也可以使用一些常见词组和搭配来增强句子的表达力,如“polluted environment”(被污染的环境)、“polluted air”(被污染的空气)等。如果需要寻找与polluted意思相近或相反的词语,可以参考同义词示例中提到的“contaminated”、“impure”等词语。最后,在此我作为网站编辑衷心希望大家能够关注我们,并且喜欢上我们分享给大家有趣又实用知识点的文章。谢谢大家的阅读!


七品教育 polluted是什么意思