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1. 什么是wrangle?


2. wrangle在日常生活中的应用


3. wrangle和其他词汇的区别


4. 如何正确使用wrangle?

如果你想要使用这个词汇表达“争吵”的意思,可以说“they were wrangling over the last piece of cake”(他们为了最后一块蛋糕而争吵)。如果想要表示“抓住”、“捕获”的意思,可以说“the police managed to wrangle the thief”(警察成功地抓住了小偷)


1. 发音:wrangle的发音为/wræŋɡl/,其中”wr”发音为/r/,”a”发音为/æ/,”ng”发音为/ŋ/,最后的”le”发音为/l/。

2. 读音:wrangle是一个动词,意思是“争吵、争论”,读作/wræŋɡ(ə)l/,其中最后的”e”不发音。

3. 与其他单词的比较:有些单词的拼写和wrangle相似,但是读音不同。例如:wriggle(蠕动)的读音为/’rɪɡ(ə)l/,wrestle(摔跤)的读音为/’res(ə)l/。

4. 难点解析:很多人在读wrangle时会把最后一个字母”g”念成/k/,这是因为英文中”g”有时候会发/k/的音。但是在wrangle中,它应该念成/g/。

5. 练习建议:想要准确地念出wrangle这个单词,可以多听一些英语原声,并且多加练习。当然也可以通过录制自己念出来然后对比原声来纠正错误


1. wrangle的基本含义


2. wrangle作为动词的用法

– 指争吵或争论:The children were constantly wrangling over who got to play with the toy first.(孩子们总是在为谁先玩玩具而争吵。)

– 指抓住或控制:The cowboy managed to wrangle the wild horse and saddle it.(牛仔成功地驾驭了那匹野马并给它上了鞍。)

– 指费力地处理或解决:I had to spend hours wrangling with the technical support team to get my computer fixed.(我不得不花费数小时与技术支持团队纠缠,才最终修好了我的电脑。)

3. wrangle作为名词的用法

– 指长时间的争吵或纠缠:The couple’s constant wrangles over money eventually led to their divorce.(这对夫妻因钱财问题而经常发生争吵,最终导致离婚。)

– 指控制或处理困难事物所需的努力:It took a lot of wrangling to get the project back on track.(需要付出很多努力才能让这个项目重新回到正轨。)

4. wrangle的常见搭配

– wrangle with sb:与某人争吵或纠缠

– wrangle over sth:就某事争吵或纠缠

– wrangle for sth:为了某物而争吵或纠缠

5. wrangle的例句

1) The siblings were constantly wrangling over who would get the bigger room.


2) The two politicians have been wrangling over tax policies for months.


3) The lawyer had to use all his skills to wrangle a confession out of the suspect.


4) It’s not worth wasting time wrangling over such a small issue.


5) The company’s shareholders are in constant wrangles over the distribution of profits.



1. To wrangle over something:就某事争吵不休,为某事争辩不休。

例句:The siblings were constantly wrangling over who got to use the computer first.

2. To wrangle with someone:与某人争论,与某人争吵。

例句:The two politicians were seen wrangling with each other during the debate.

3. Wrangle for power/position:为权力/职位而斗争。

例句:The two candidates are currently wrangling for the position of mayor.

4. Wrangle a deal/agreement:达成一项协议/协议。

例句:After hours of negotiations, they finally managed to wrangle a deal that satisfied both parties.

5. To wrangle with words/language: 用言语/语言进行争辩。

例句:He was known for his ability to wrangle with words and always came out on top in debates.

6. Wrangle free from something/someone: 摆脱某事物/某人的束缚。

例句:It took years for her to finally wrangle free from her controlling ex-husband.

7. To have a wrangle: 进行一场激烈的争吵。

例句:The couple had a big wrangle over how to spend their vacation budget.

8. Legal wrangling: 法律纠纷,法律诉讼。

例句:The company has been involved in legal wrangling over patent rights for years.

9. Political wrangling: 政治斗争,政治角力。

例句:The country’s current economic crisis is a result of years of political wrangling and mismanagement.

10. Media wrangling: 媒体争论,媒体角力。

例句:The scandal has caused a lot of media wrangling and speculation


1. 同义词示例

– Quarrel:争吵、争论

– Dispute:争议、争执

– Argument:争辩、辩论

– Squabble:口角、争吵

– Altercation:激烈争吵、口角

2. 近义词替换建议

– Wrangle可以替换为Quarrel,强调双方之间的激烈争吵和冲突。

– 如果想要表达更加正式的语气,可以使用Dispute或Argument来替换wrangle。

– Squabble和Altercation都强调了口头上的争吵,可以用来代替wrangle中的轻微冲突。

– 另外,还可以使用Controversy或Bickering来表示类似的意思。

3. 注意事项




七品教育 wrangle是什么意思