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1. Convince: 说服

例如:I tried to convince my parents to let me go to the party.


2. Persuade: 劝说

例如:She persuaded her boss to give her a raise.


3. Influence: 影响

例如:The advertisement influenced me to buy the product.


4. Encourage: 鼓励

例如:My friends encouraged me to take the risk and start my own business.


5. Urge: 催促

例如:I urged my sister to finish her homework before going out with friends.


6. Appeal: 呼吁

例如:The charity organization appealed for donations to help those in need.


7. Reason with: 与…讲道理

例如:I tried to reason with my friend about the importance of studying for exams.


8. Coax: 劝诱

例如:He coaxed his daughter into eating vegetables by promising her ice cream afterwards.


9. Talk into: 劝说

例如:My friends talked me into going on a road trip with them.


10. Sell: 说服

例如:The salesman sold me the product by highlighting its benefits.



1. 发音:在英语中,“劝说”一词的发音为/ˈpɜː.sweɪd/,其中重点发音在第一个音节上,即“per-”,而第二个音节“-suade”则是轻声读取。

2. 读法:在英语中,我们可以使用以下几种方式来表达“劝说”的含义:

– Persuade: 这是最常用的表达方式,意为“说服”、“劝导”。例如:“She tried to persuade me to go on the trip with her.”(她试图说服我和她一起去旅行。)

– Convince: 这个词也可以用来表示“劝说”,但它更强调通过逻辑或证据来让对方相信自己的观点。例如:“I convinced him to invest in my business idea.”(我成功地说服他投资我的商业想法。)

– Coax: 这个词的意思是“哄骗”、“诱导”,通常用于形容某人用甜言蜜语或花言巧语来影响对方做出某种决定。例如:“She coaxed her son into eating his vegetables.”(她哄骗儿子吃蔬菜。)

– Influence: 这个词也可以表示“影响”、“劝说”,但它更多指通过权威或魅力来影响他人。例如:“Her speech influenced the audience to donate to the charity.”(她的演讲影响了观众捐赠给慈善机构。)

3. 俏皮表达:如果你想要用一种更加俏皮的方式来表示“劝说”,可以使用以下几个短语:

– Talk someone into (doing something): 这个短语的意思是“说服某人做某事”。例如:“She talked me into buying that expensive dress.”(她说服我买下那件昂贵的连衣裙。)

– Twist someone’s arm: 这个短语字面上是“扭某人的胳膊”,但实际上是指通过强硬手段或恳求来说服对方做某事。例如:“I had to twist his arm to get him to go to the party with me.”(我不得不恳求他才能让他和我一起去参加派对。)

– Sweet-talk: 这个短语的意思是“甜言蜜语”,通常用于形容某人用花言巧语来影响他人做出决定。例如:“He sweet-talked his way out of getting a ticket.”(他用甜言蜜语成功地避免了被罚单。)

4. 形容词:除了以上几种表达方式,我们还可以使用一些形容词来描述“劝说”的过程,例如:

– Persuasive: 这个形容词的意思是“有说服力的”,用来形容某人具有说服他人的能力。例如:“She is a very persuasive speaker.”(她是一个非常有说服力的演讲者。)

– Compelling: 这个形容词的意思是“令人信服的”、“有说服力的”,通常用来描述某种论点或观点。例如:“His argument was so compelling that I couldn’t help but agree with him.”(他的论点太有说服力,我不得不同意他。)

– Convincing: 这个形容词也可以表示“令人信服的”,但它更强调通过逻辑和证据来说服他人。例如:“Her presentation was very convincing and we decided to invest in her project.”(她的演示很有说服力,我们决定投资她的项目。)



1. 概述


2. 常用方法






3. 实例分析






1. Persuasion techniques – 劝说技巧

– Using emotional appeals – 使用情感诉求

Example: The speaker used emotional appeals to persuade the audience to donate to the charity.


– Building rapport – 建立融洽关系

Example: The salesman focused on building rapport with the potential client before trying to persuade them to buy the product.


– Creating a sense of urgency – 制造紧迫感

Example: The advertisement created a sense of urgency by offering a limited time discount, persuading customers to make a purchase quickly.


2. Persuasive language – 有说服力的语言

– Power words – 强有力的词语

Example: Using power words such as ”amazing” and ”unbelievable” can make your argument more persuasive.


– Rhetorical questions – 反问句

Example: Asking rhetorical questions can engage the audience and make them more receptive to your persuasion.


– Inclusive language – 包容性语言

Example: Using inclusive language such as ”we” and ”us” can create a sense of unity and make your persuasion more effective.


3. Persuasion tactics – 劝说策略

– Social proof – 社会证明

Example: The company used social proof by showing customer reviews to persuade potential buyers to trust their product.


– Scarcity – 稀缺性

Example: Creating a sense of scarcity by highlighting limited availability can increase the persuasiveness of your message.


– Authority – 权威性

Example: Citing experts or using the endorsement of a well-known figure can add authority to your persuasion.


4. Persuasion techniques in writing – 写作中的劝说技巧

– Use storytelling – 使用故事叙述

Example: Incorporating personal anecdotes or stories can make your writing more persuasive and relatable.


– Appeal to emotions – 吸引情感

Example: Using emotive language or describing emotional scenarios can evoke strong feelings and make your writing more persuasive.


– Use evidence and statistics – 使用证据和统计数据

Example: Backing up your arguments with solid evidence and statistics can make your writing more persuasive and credible.


5. Overcoming objections – 克服异议

– Acknowledge and address objections – 承认并解决异议

Example: Instead of ignoring objections, acknowledge them and provide counterarguments to overcome them in your persuasion.


– Use the ”but” technique – 使用“但是”技巧

Example: Acknowledge the objection, but then use the word ”but” to introduce a counterargument in your persuasion.


– Provide a solution – 提供解决方案

Example: Instead of just addressing objections, provide a solution to show that you have thought through all possible concerns in your persuasion.




1. Persuade – to convince someone to do something through reasoning or argumentation.

Example: I tried to persuade my friend to go on a trip with me, but she was too busy.

2. Influence – to have an effect on someone’s thoughts or actions.

Example: My parents’ opinions always influence my decisions.

3. Convince – to make someone believe or feel certain about something.

Example: The salesman was able to convince me that I needed the latest smartphone.

4. Coax – to gently persuade or urge someone into doing something.

Example: I had to coax my little sister into eating her vegetables.

5. Encourage – to give support, confidence, or hope to someone.

Example: My coach always encourages me before a big game.

6. Urge – to strongly advise or recommend something.

Example: My doctor urged me to quit smoking for the sake of my health.

7. prompt – to cause someone to take action or respond in a particular way.

Example: The teacher’s question prompted the students to raise their hands.

8. Talk into – to persuade someone through talking and reasoning.

Example: My friends talked me into going bungee jumping with them, even though I was scared.

9. Sell -to convince someone of the value or benefit of something.

Example: The salesman was able to sell me a new car with all its features and benefits.

10. Press -to urge or push someone into doing something.

Example: My boss pressed me for an answer on the project proposal during the meeting



七品教育 劝说用英语怎么说