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1. Franchise Store

作为一个创业者,你可能已经听说过“加盟店”的概念。那么,在英语中,我们可以用Franchise Store来表达这个概念。它是由两个词组成,franchise意为“特许经营”,store则是“店铺”的意思。

2. Partner Store

如果你想要更加贴近商业合作的含义,可以使用Partner Store来表达“加盟店”。在这里,partner指的是合伙人,store则是指“商店”或“店铺”。

3. Affiliated Store

另外一个常用的表达方式是Affiliated Store。这个词汇中的affiliated意为“隶属于”或“附属于”,因此Affiliated Store也就可以理解为隶属于某个品牌或公司的加盟店。

4. Authorized Dealer

如果你想要强调加盟店具有代理权的特点,可以使用Authorized Dealer这个短语。Authorized意为“授权”,Dealer则是指经销商或代理商。

5. Licensed Outlet


1. Franchise store: ”加盟店”的直译,指由总部授权经营的分店。

例句:I’m thinking of opening a franchise store for this popular brand.

2. Affiliate store: 指与总部有关联关系的店铺,通常是由独立经营者经营。

例句:The affiliate store of this brand has been doing really well in our city.

3. Branch: 指总部直接管理的分店。

例句:I heard they will be opening a new branch in the downtown area next month.

4. Partner store: 指与总部合作的店铺,通常是由两个或多个合伙人共同经营。

例句:We are looking for partners to open a partner store for our new business venture.

5. Authorized retailer: 指被授权销售特定品牌产品的零售商。

例句:Our company is the authorized retailer for this luxury brand in our region.

6. Dealer: 指从厂家或总部批发产品后再销售给消费者的零售商。

例句:The dealer of this brand offers competitive prices for their products.

7. Distributor: 指从厂家或总部采购产品后再分销给零售商的批发商。

例句:We are the distributor of this brand in our country, supplying to various retail stores.

8. Outlet: 指专门销售折扣品牌产品的店铺。

例句:I love shopping at this outlet store for designer brands at discounted prices.

9. Flagship store: 指某品牌的旗舰店,通常拥有最大的规模和最全面的产品线。

例句:The flagship store of this brand is located in the heart of the city and attracts many customers.

10. Concept store: 指以特定概念为主题的店铺,通常会提供独特的购物体验。

例句:The concept store of this brand is designed to showcase their products in a creative and interactive way


1. Franchise store: 加盟店

– Example: Our company has over 500 franchise stores worldwide.

2. Franchisor: 加盟商

– Example: The franchisor provides training and support to the franchise store owners.

3. Franchisee: 加盟店主

– Example: As a franchisee, you will have access to our established brand and business model.

4. Brand recognition: 品牌知名度

– Example: Joining a franchise store can give you instant brand recognition in the market.

5. Business model: 商业模式

– Example: Our franchise stores follow a proven business model that guarantees success.

6. Royalties: 版税/特许权使用费

– Example: The franchisee is required to pay a percentage of their sales as royalties to the franchisor.

7. Initial investment: 初始投资

– Example: The initial investment for opening a franchise store may vary depending on location and size.

8. Training program: 培训计划

– Example: Our comprehensive training program will equip you with all the necessary skills to run a successful franchise store.

9. Support system: 支持系统

– Example: Our franchisor provides ongoing support to help franchisees overcome any challenges they may face.

10. Marketing materials: 营销材料

– Example: We provide our franchisees with high-quality marketing materials to promote their store in the local market.

11. Territory/Exclusive territory:专营区域/独家经营区域

– Example:Franchisees are granted an exclusive territory where no other franchise store of the same brand can operate within a certain radius.

12. Grand opening event:开业典礼活动

– Example:Our company organizes a grand opening event for all new franchise stores to attract customers and create buzz in the local community.

13. Standard operating procedures (SOPs):标准操作流程

– Example:All franchise stores must follow the standard operating procedures set by the franchisor to maintain consistency and quality.

14. Franchise agreement:加盟协议

– Example:The franchise agreement outlines the terms and conditions between the franchisor and franchisee.

15. Franchise fee:加盟费

– Example:The franchise fee is a one-time payment made by the franchisee to join the franchise system


1. Franchise store – This term is commonly used in the business world to refer to a store that is owned and operated by an individual or group under a license from a larger company.

Example: ”I’m thinking of opening a franchise store for this popular coffee chain.

2. Partner store – This term can be used to describe a store that has entered into a partnership with another company or brand.

Example: ”Our partner store will be selling our products in their retail locations.

3. Affiliated store – This term is often used to describe a store that is connected or associated with another company or organization.

Example: ”The affiliated store of this fashion brand has exclusive discounts for members.

4. Branch – This term can be used to refer to a location of a larger company or brand, often with the same name and branding.

Example: ”The new branch of this restaurant chain will be opening next month.

5. Outlet – This term is commonly used for stores that sell products directly from the manufacturer, often at discounted prices.

Example: ”I found some great deals at the outlet store for this designer brand.

6. Retailer – This term can be used to describe any type of business that sells products directly to consumers.

Example: ”Our company is looking for retailers who are interested in carrying our line of organic skincare products.

7. Distributor – This term refers to a person or company that supplies goods to retailers or other businesses.

Example: ”We are the exclusive distributor for this popular energy drink in our region.

8. Dealer – Similar to distributor, this term can also refer to someone who sells goods on behalf of another company.

Example: ”Our dealership has been selling cars from this brand for over 20 years.

9. Reseller – This term can be used to describe someone who purchases goods from one source and then sells them at a higher price.

Example: ”I found this product at a much lower price from a reseller on an online marketplace.

10. Independent store – This term is often used to describe a store that is not part of a larger chain or franchise.

Example: ”The independent store down the street has the best selection of handmade jewelry.



七品教育 加盟店用英语怎么说