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1. 失望的含义


2. 失望的表现


– 情绪低落:失望时,人们往往会感到悲伤、沮丧、痛苦和无助。

– 无动于衷:有些人会表现出麻木不仁的态度,不再关心或关注原本重要的事情。

– 自责:有些人可能会责怪自己,认为是自己的错导致了失望的结果。

– 愤怒:失望也可能引发愤怒和不满情绪,特别是当期待被破灭时。

3. 失望与其他情绪的区别


4. 如何应对失望


– 接受现实:认识到事实已经发生,接受现实可以帮助我们走出失望的情绪。

– 寻求支持:与家人、朋友或心理咨询师交流,可以让我们得到安慰和支持。

– 改变思维方式:从积极的角度看待事情,寻找其中的收获和成长。

– 继续前进:不要因为一次失败而放弃,继续努力追求自己的目


1. 失望的发音


2. 失望的读法


2.1 名词读法


– I couldn’t hide my disappointment when I didn’t get the job.


– She was filled with disappointment when her favorite team lost the game.


2.2 动词读法


– I was disappointed by the lack of effort put into the project.


– The students were disappointed when their field trip got cancelled.


3. 其他表达失望的方式


– Let down: 指某人没有达到期待的水平或没有履行承诺。

例如:”I feel really let down by my best friend. He promised to help me, but he never showed up.


– Heartbroken: 形容非常沮丧和伤心。

例如:”I was heartbroken when my dog died.


– Disillusioned: 指对某件事物或某人原本抱有的美好幻想被打破后产生的失望和不满。

例如:”After working for this company for years, I am completely disillusioned with their management style.



1. Disappointment

– Disappointment is a common emotion in the translation industry, especially when clients are not satisfied with the final product.

– Example: The client expressed disappointment with the translation as it did not accurately convey the tone of the original text.

2. Letdown

– Letdown is another term used to describe disappointment in the translation industry, often when expectations are not met.

– Example: The translator felt a sense of letdown when their client rejected their work without giving any specific reasons.

3. Frustration

– Frustration is a feeling of disappointment and annoyance that can arise from difficulties in translating a text.

– Example: The translator expressed their frustration at not being able to find an equivalent term in the target language for a cultural reference in the source text.

4. Unsatisfactory

– Unsatisfactory is used to describe something that does not meet expectations or standards, and can be applied to translations that are deemed inadequate.

– Example: The client found the translation unsatisfactory and requested revisions to be made.

5. Displeasure

– Displeasure is a synonym for disappointment and can be used to express dissatisfaction with a translation.

– Example: The client’s displeasure was evident when they refused to pay for the translation due to numerous errors.

6. Letting down

– Letting down is an expression used when someone fails to meet expectations or disappoints others.

– Example: The translator felt like they were letting down their client when they were unable to deliver the translation on time due to unforeseen circumstances.

7. Underwhelming

– Underwhelming describes something that is disappointing or fails to impress, and can also be applied to translations.

– Example: Despite high hopes, the final translation was underwhelming and did not capture the essence of the original text.

8. Missed opportunity

– A missed opportunity refers to a situation where someone fails to take advantage of a chance or opportunity, and can be used to describe a disappointing translation.

– Example: The translator felt like they missed an opportunity to showcase their skills when the client was not satisfied with their work.

9. Disappointment in quality

– This phrase is often used to express disappointment with the overall quality of a translation.

– Example: The client expressed their disappointment in the quality of the translation, stating that it was not up to their standards.

10. Not up to par

– When something is not up to par, it means it is not at the desired level or standard, and this phrase can be used to describe a disappointing translation.

– Example: The client felt that the translation was not up to par with other translations they had received from different translators.

失望是翻译行业中常见的情绪,当客户对最终成品不满意时会出现。常用的表达包括disappointment、letdown、frustration等,也可以用unsatisfactory、displeasure等形容一件令人失望的翻译。有时候也会使用underwhelming或missed opportunity来形容一次令人失望的翻译。总体而言,客户对翻译质量不满意是最常见的失望表达


1. ”Feeling disappointed– 表达一种情绪上的失望感,强调个人的感受。

2. ”Disappointed in– 对某人或某事感到失望,表示对他们的行为或结果不满意。

3. ”Let down– 让人失望的,通常指期望未达成或承诺未实现。

4. ”Underwhelmed– 没有被充分满足,对某事物感到失望和不满意。

5. ”Bitterly disappointed– 极其失望,强调情绪上的悲伤和痛苦。

6. ”Crushed– 感到精神上被打击和压垮,形容极度的失望和沮丧。

7. ”Heartbroken– 心碎,用于形容深深地受到伤害和失望的心情。

8. ”Disillusioned– 幻灭的,指对原本抱有希望的事物感到失望和绝望。

9. ”Dismayed– 感到沮丧和惊讶,通常是因为发生了令人失望的事情。

10. ”Dispirited– 感到气馁和无精打采,形容因为失望而丧失了动力和热情。

11. ”Letdown– 失望的事情,指令人失望的结果或情况。

12. ”Disappointment sets in– 失望开始出现,表示逐渐感受到失望的情绪。

13. ”Fall short of expectations– 未达到期望,表示某事物没有达到预期的水平。

14. ”Not up to par– 不符合标准,指某事物不如预期的表现。

15. ”Miss the mark– 错过目标,强调未能达到预期的结果。

16. ”Fail to live up to expectations– 未能达到期望,指某事物没有实现原本预期的表现。

17. ”Disappointing outcome– 令人失望的结果,强调对某事物不满意的结局。

18. ”Unfulfilled promises– 未实现的承诺,形容对承诺未兑现而感到失望和不满意。

19. ”Fall through– 失败或落空,指原本有希望的事情最终没有实现。

20. ”A letdown all around– 全面地令人失望,表示在各方面都让人感到失望


1. Disappointment ”I can’t believe I didn’t get the job. What a disappointment.

2. Letdown ”The movie was such a letdown. I was expecting so much more.

3. Dismay ”I felt a sense of dismay when I saw the final exam results.

4. Frustration ”My team’s loss in the championship game was a huge frustration for me.

5. Despair ”After months of searching, he finally gave up in despair.

6. Regret ”I regret not studying harder for the exam now that I see my grade.

7. Defeat ”The defeat of our proposal was a major setback for our company.

8. Heartbreak ”Her heartbreak was evident when she found out her boyfriend cheated on her.

9. Disillusionment ”The reality of the situation brought about a feeling of disillusionment.

10. Displeasure ”His constant lateness caused great displeasure among his colleagues.



七品教育 失望用英语怎么说