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1. A sense of belonging: This is the most direct translation of “归属感” in English. It refers to the feeling of being a part of a group or community, and feeling accepted and connected with others.

2. Feeling at home: This phrase can be used to describe the sense of belonging in a specific place or environment. For example, “I feel at home when I’m with my friends.”

3. Belongingness: This noun form is not commonly used in everyday conversation, but it is a valid way to express “归属感” in English.

4. Inclusion: This word emphasizes the idea of being included and accepted by others, which is an important aspect of “归属感”.

5. Being part of something bigger: This phrase highlights the idea that belongingness involves being a part of something greater than oneself, such as a community or a cause.

6. Finding your tribe: This phrase has become popular in recent years and refers to finding a group of people who share similar values and interests, creating a sense of belonging.

7. Fitting in: While this phrase may have negative connotations for some people, it can also be used positively to describe the feeling of belonging in a group or society.

8. Connectedness: Similar to belongingness, this word emphasizes the idea of being connected with others and feeling like you are an important part of something.

9. Home away from home: This phrase is often used to describe a place where one feels comfortable and accepted, even if it is not their actual home.

10. Embracing your roots: For some individuals, “归属感” may involve embracing their cultural or familial roots and finding pride in their heritage


1. Sense of belonging – 归属感

例句:Having a sense of belonging is important for one’s mental well-being.

2. Inclusion – 包容、包括

例句:Inclusion is key to creating a sense of belonging in a diverse community.

3. Community – 社区、群体

例句:Being part of a community can give you a strong sense of belonging and support.

4. Connection – 连接、联系

例句:Building connections with others can help foster a sense of belonging.

5. Acceptance – 接纳、认可

例句:Feeling accepted by others is crucial for developing a sense of belonging.

6. Identity – 身份、认同感

例句:Having a strong sense of identity can contribute to one’s sense of belonging.

7. Belongingness – 归属感、归属性

例句:Belongingness is an innate human need that drives us to seek connection with others.

8. Unity – 团结、一致性

例句:A strong sense of unity within a group can promote a sense of belonging among its members.

9. Familiarity – 熟悉、亲近感

例句:Feeling familiar with one’s surroundings can enhance one’s sense of belonging in a new place.

10. Supportive environment – 支持性环境

例句:A supportive environment can foster a strong sense of belonging and inclusivity for all individuals


1. Sense of belonging:归属感

2. Feeling of connection:联系感

3. Belongingness:归属性

4. Attachment:依恋

5. Inclusion:包容

6. Identification:认同感

7. Affiliation:隶属关系

8. Integration:融入感

9. Connectedness:联系性

10. Community spirit:社群精神

11. To feel like you belong:感觉自己有归属感

12. To have a sense of belongingness:拥有归属感

13. To feel connected to others:与他人建立联系

14. To identify with a group or community:认同某个群体或社区

15. To be part of something bigger than oneself:成为某种更大的存在的一部分

16. A sense of home:家的感觉

17. A feeling of acceptance and understanding from others: 来自他人的接纳和理解的感觉

18.To be welcomed and included: 被欢迎和包容

19.To have a place where you fit in: 有一个适合自己的地方

20.To find your tribe: 找到你的部落

21.To belong to a group or community: 属于一个团体或社区

22.To feel like you are part of a family: 感觉自己是家庭的一部分

23.To have a sense of camaraderie: 拥有同志之情

24.To feel like you are among friends: 感觉自己身处朋友之间

25.To be part of a supportive network: 成为一个支持网络的一部分

26. To feel a sense of unity: 感受到团结感

27. To have a shared sense of purpose: 共同拥有目标感

28. To feel like you belong to a larger community: 感觉自己属于一个更大的社区

29. To have a sense of belongingness in a foreign place: 在异国他乡拥有归属感

30. To feel at home in your own skin: 在自己的身体里感到自在


1. Sense of belonging

– 使用场景:在描述一个人对某个团体或社区的归属感时,可以使用这个词汇。比如:“他在新公司工作后,很快就产生了强烈的归属感。”

2. Belongingness

– 使用场景:通常用来指一个人与他人之间的联系和亲密感,也可以用来形容一个人对某个地方或组织的归属感。例如:“她在这个城市生活了很多年,已经建立起了强烈的归属感。”

3. Inclusion

– 使用场景:指被纳入某个团体或社区中,并且受到认可和接纳的状态。比如:“这个团队非常重视每个成员的意见,让大家都能感受到被包容和认同的归属感。”

4. Attachment

– 使用场景:通常用来形容一个人对某个地方、组织或关系的紧密连接和依恋。例如:“她对故乡有着深厚的情感,无论身在何处都无法割舍那种强烈的归属感。”

5. Identity

– 使用场景:指一个人对自己所处环境、社会角色或文化背景的认同和理解。比如:“在海外生活多年后,她已经形成了自己独特的文化身份,但仍然保持着对故乡的归属感。”

6. Connectedness

– 使用场景:强调一个人与他人、社区或环境之间的联系和亲密感,也可以指一个人与自我内心的和谐统一。例如:“这个小镇的居民都非常友善,让我感受到强烈的归属感和紧密的联系。”

7. Integration

– 使用场景:指不同个体、文化、价值观等融合在一起形成整体,并且相互支持和认同。比如:“这所学校非常重视国际学生的融入,让他们能够快速建立起对学校的归属感。”

8. Homecoming

– 使用场景:指一个人回到自己熟悉、温暖、安全的地方,并且产生强烈的归属感。例如:“每次回到家乡,她都会沉浸在那种熟悉而温暖的归属感中。”

9. Familiarity

– 使用场景:指一个人对某个地方、组织或关系有着深厚而熟悉的感觉。比如:“在这个城市生活了很多年,她已经对街道、建筑和人们都有了很强的熟悉感,产生了强烈的归属感。”

10. Unity

– 使用场景:指不同个体、团体或社区之间相互融合和协作,形成一个整体,并且共同分享归属感。例如:“这个团队非常团结,大家都为共同的目标而努力,让每个人都能感受到强烈的归属感。”



七品教育 归属感用英语怎么说