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1. Leave

这是最简单也是最常用的表达方式,意思是“离开”。例如:I have to leave now.(我现在得走了。)

2. Go away

这个短语也可以表示离开,但它更强调“走开”的意思。例如:Go away, I need some time alone.(走开,我需要一些独处的时间。)

3. Depart

这个词比较正式,通常用于商务场合或者正式场合。例如:The train will depart at 8 o’clock.(火车将在8点出发。)

4. Say goodbye

这个短语是指告别,比较友好和亲切的表达方式。例如:Before I say goodbye, I want to thank you for your help.(在我告别之前,我想感谢你的帮助。)

5. Take off

这个短语通常用于飞机起飞时,“起飞”也可以表示离开某地。例如:The plane took off and we left the city behind us.(飞机起飞后,我们离开了这座城市。)

6. Walk out on

这个短语有点负面的意思,表示“离开某人或某地,抛弃”。例如:She walked out on her husband and never looked back.(她离开了她的丈夫,再也没有回头。)

7. Move on

这个短语可以指继续前进,也可以表示“离开过去的事情”。例如:It’s time to move on and start a new chapter in your life.(是时候继续前进,在你的生活中开始新的篇章了。)

8. Bid farewell

这个短语比较正式,通常用于正式场合或者给重要的人物送行。例如:The president bid farewell to his supporters before leaving the stage.(总统在离开舞台前向支持者们告别。)



1. Say ”leave”: The most common and simple way to say ”离开” in English is to use the word ”leave”. It is pronounced as ”lee-v” with a long ”e” sound at the end.

2. Use ”depart”: Another formal and polite way of saying ”离开” is to use the word ”depart”. It is pronounced as ”dih-pahrt” with a silent final ”t”.

3. Say ”exit”: In certain situations, you can also use the word ”exit” to mean leaving a place. It is pronounced as ”eg-zit” with a short ”i” sound in the middle.

4. Use ”go away”: For a more casual or informal way of saying ”离开”, you can use the phrase ”go away”. It is pronounced as ”goh uh-way”.

5. Say ”take off”: When talking about leaving on a trip or journey, you can use the phrase ”take off”. It is pronounced as ”teyk awf”.

6. Use slang: Depending on your audience and context, you can also use slang words or phrases such as ”bounce”, ”skedaddle”, or even simply saying ”peace out”.

7. Remember to stress the first syllable: No matter which word or phrase you use, make sure to stress the first syllable for proper pronunciation.

8. Practice makes perfect: As with any language, practice makes perfect when it comes to pronouncing words correctly. Don’t be afraid to ask native speakers for help or listen carefully to how they say these words.

9. Have fun with it: Learning new words and phrases in English should be fun! Don’t be afraid to experiment with different ways of saying things and have a good laugh while doing so.

10. Embrace your accent: Finally, don’t worry too much about having a perfect accent. Embrace your own unique way of saying things and have confidence in your pronunciation. After all, that’s what makes you stand out!


1. 在家中离开:

英语表达:leave home

例句:I’m sorry, I have to leave home early tomorrow for a business trip.

2. 在学校离开:

英语表达:leave school

例句:After graduation, she plans to leave school and start working.

3. 在工作场所离开:

英语表达:leave work/leave the office

例句:I have to leave work early today for a doctor’s appointment.

4. 在聚会或活动中离开:

英语表达:take off/leave the party/event

例句:I’m getting tired, I think I’ll take off soon.

5. 在旅行中离开:

英语表达:depart/leave on a trip/journey

例句:We will depart for our vacation next week.

6. 在公共场所离开:

英语表达:exit/leave the place/area

例句:Please exit the building in an orderly manner during the fire drill.

7. 与朋友或家人告别:

英语表达:say goodbye/bid farewell to friends/family members

例句:It’s hard to say goodbye to my family when I have to go back to school.

8. 离婚或分手时的用语:

英语表达:get divorced/break up with someone

例句:They decided to get divorced after years of unhappy marriage.

9. 表示暂时性的分别:

英语表达:part ways/temporarily separate from someone

例句:We’ll be parting ways for a while as he is going on a business trip.

10. 最后永别时的用语:

英语表达:bid a final farewell to someone

例句:We gathered to bid a final farewell to our beloved teacher who passed away


1. Say goodbye: 告别

2. Take off: 走开

3. Hit the road: 上路

4. Make an exit: 离开

5. Bid farewell: 告别

6. Part ways: 分手

7. Leave behind: 留下

8. Move on: 继续前进

9. Say adieu: 再见

10. Pack up and go: 收拾行李走人


1. Say goodbye:这是最常用的告别方式,简单直接,可以用在任何场合。

例句:I have to say goodbye now, it was great catching up with you.

2. Take off:这个短语可以指离开某个地方或者开始行动。

例句:It’s time for me to take off, I have a meeting to attend.

3. Hit the road:这个短语源自于汽车旅行时出发前敲击车门的动作,表示要开始出发。

例句:It’s getting late, we should hit the road soon.

4. Make an exit:这个短语比较正式,适合用在正式场合或者商务场景。

例句:I need to make an exit now, thank you for the lovely evening.

5. Bid farewell:这个短语可以用来表示正式的告别,比如离开工作岗位或者离开国家。

例句:It’s time for me to bid farewell to this company and start a new journey.

6. Part ways:这个短语可以用来表达分手或者分道扬镳。

例句:After many years of friendship, we have decided to part ways.

7. Leave behind:这个短语可以指留下某物或者某人,也可以表示把过去的事情留在身后。

例句:I’m leaving behind all my worries and starting a new chapter in my life.

8. Move on:这个短语可以指继续前进,也可以表示忘记过去,向前看。

例句:It’s time for me to move on and leave the past behind.

9. Say adieu:这是法语中的告别方式,比较正式,适合用在特殊场合。

例句:Before I say adieu, I want to thank everyone for their support.

10. Pack up and go:这个短语表示收拾行李准备离开。

例句:Our vacation is over, it’s time to pack up and go back home.



1. Say goodbye

– 示例:She said goodbye to her friends before leaving for college.

– 使用场景:当你要离开某个地方或与某人告别时,可以使用这个词组。

2. Depart

– 示例:The train will depart from platform 3 in 10 minutes.

– 使用场景:当你要离开某个交通工具(如火车、飞机)时,可以使用这个词。

3. Go away

– 示例:I’m going away on a business trip next week.

– 使用场景:当你要离开某个地方一段时间时,可以使用这个词。

4. Leave

– 示例:He left the party early because he wasn’t feeling well.

– 使用场景:当你要离开某个活动、聚会或场合时,可以使用这个词。

5. Bid farewell

– 示例:The soldiers bid farewell to their families before deploying overseas.

– 使用场景:当你要离开家人、朋友或同事等亲密关系的人时,可以使用这个词组。

6. Take off

– 示例:The plane will take off in an hour, so we need to hurry.

– 使用场景:当你要乘坐飞机起飞时,可以使用这个短语。

7. Hit the road

– 示例:We should hit the road now if we want to make it to the concert on time.

– 使用场景:当你要出发旅行、上路或前往某处时,可以使用这个短语。

8. Make an exit

– 示例:He made a quick exit after realizing he was at the wrong party.

– 使用场景:当你要离开某个地方或情况不妙时,可以使用这个短语。

9. Say adieu

– 示例:The lovers said adieu to each other at the train station.

– 使用场景:当你要与心爱的人分别时,可以使用这个词。

10. Take leave

– 示例:I need to take leave from work for a few days to attend a family emergency.

– 使用场景:当你需要请假离开工作或学校时,可以使用这个短语



七品教育 离开用英语怎么说