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1. Commemoration Day:这个词来源于法语中的“commémoration”,意为纪念或庆祝。它强调了对过去事件的尊重和缅怀。

2. Remembrance Day:这个短语也是指纪念日,但更多地用于指向那些牺牲生命的人们。比如,在英国和澳大利亚,11月11日就是Remembrance Day,用来纪念第一次世界大战结束时的休战协定。

3. Founding Day:这个短语指的是某个组织、机构或国家建立的日期。比如,在美国就有独立日(Independence Day),即7月4日,用来庆祝美国独立签署《独立宣言》的日期。


1. 情人节(Valentine’s Day):源自于古罗马时期的一个传说,据说圣瓦伦丁为了帮助恋人们结合,就在2月14日这一天秘密举行婚礼。

2. 母亲节(Mother’s Day):起源于美国,在1914年正式成为国定假日。它的创始人安娜·贝克斯特(Anna Jarvis)是为了纪念自己的母亲而发起这个节日。

3. 父亲节(Father’s Day):也起源于美国,在1909年开始庆祝,目的是表达对父亲的感激和敬意。




1. 中文:纪念日


2. 英语:Anniversary


3. 法语:Anniversaire


4. 西班牙语:Aniversario


5. 德语:Jahrestag


6. 日语:記念日 (kinenbi)


7. 韩语:기념일 (ginyeomil)

韩语中,“기념일”一词与中文和日语相似,也是指特定日期或事件,用来回顾和纪念。它可以是个人生일、결혼 기념일、국경일 등 다양한 기념일을 말한다.

8. 俄语:Годовщина (godovshchina)


9. 意大利语:Anniversario


10. 葡萄牙语:Aniversário





1. Anniversary

这个词可以用来表示结婚纪念日或者其他重要的庆祝日子。比如,Wedding Anniversary(结婚纪念日)、Work Anniversary(工作纪念日)等。

2. Commemoration

这个词可以用来表示对某人或某事物的庆祝或纪念。比如,In commemoration of our first date(为了庆祝我们的第一次约会)。

3. Celebrate

这个动词可以用来表示庆祝某个特殊的日子。例如,We always celebrate our anniversary with a romantic dinner(我们总是通过浪漫的晚餐来庆祝我们的纪念日)。

4. Mark

这个动词可以用来表示标记或者记录某件事情。比如,We marked our first anniversary with a trip to Paris(我们通过一次巴黎之旅来记录我们的第一个结婚纪念日)。

5. Remember

这个动词可以用来表示回想、怀念某个特殊的日子。例如,We always remember our first date with fondness(我们总是怀念我们的第一次约会)。

6. Special day

这个短语可以用来表示某个特别的日子。比如,Our anniversary is a special day for us(我们的纪念日对于我们来说是一个特别的日子)。

7. Milestone

这个词可以用来表示重要的里程碑。例如,Our 10th anniversary is a milestone in our relationship(我们的十周年纪念日是我们关系中的一个里程碑)。



1. How to say ”commemoration day” in English?

”Commemoration day” is the direct translation of ”纪念日” in English.

2. Other ways to express ”纪念日” in English:

– Anniversary: This word is commonly used to refer to a special day that marks an important event or occasion, such as a wedding anniversary or company anniversary.

Example sentence: Our wedding anniversary is coming up next week.

– Memorial day: This term is often used to remember and honor those who have passed away, especially soldiers who died in wars.

Example sentence: Memorial Day is a national holiday in the United States to honor the brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives for their country.

3. How to say ”纪念日快乐” (Happy commemoration day) in English?

– Happy Anniversary: This phrase can be used for any type of anniversary, including personal and professional ones.

Example sentence: Happy anniversary to my amazing parents!

– Have a meaningful commemoration day: This phrase emphasizes the importance of the day and expresses good wishes for a meaningful celebration.

Example sentence: Wishing you a happy and meaningful commemoration day filled with love and joy.

4. Other related expressions:

– Celebrate/observe/commemorate a special day/event/occasion: These verbs are commonly used when talking about marking an important date or event.

Example sentence: We always celebrate our wedding anniversary by going out for a romantic dinner.

– Mark/memorialize/remember an important date/event/occasion: These verbs convey the idea of honoring and remembering something significant.

Example sentence: The whole nation gathered together to mark/memorialize/remember the 10th anniversary of the tragic event.

5. Idioms related to commemoration:

– To pay tribute (to someone/something): This means to show respect or admiration for someone or something.

Example sentence: The students organized a special event to pay tribute to their beloved teacher who passed away.

– In memory of: This phrase is often used to dedicate something in honor of someone who has passed away.

Example sentence: The park was built in memory of the victims of the earthquake that struck the city 10 years ago.

6. Other useful phrases:

– A day to remember: This phrase is often used to describe a memorable or significant day.

Example sentence: Our wedding day was truly a day to remember.

– A special occasion: This refers to an important or memorable event, often celebrated with family and friends.

Example sentence: We always gather as a family for special occasions like Christmas and birthdays.

7. expressions for specific types of commemoration days:

– Birthday: This is the most common type of commemoration day, celebrating the day someone was born.

Example sentence: Happy birthday, grandma!

– Independence Day: This refers to the national holiday that celebrates a country’s independence from another nation.

Example sentence: The Fourth of July is Independence Day in the United States.

– Founding Day/Anniversary: This marks the date when an organization or company was founded.

Example sentence: Today is our company’s founding anniversary, let’s celebrate!

– Remembrance Day/Poppy Day/Veterans Day: These are all different names for a day that honors and remembers soldiers who died in wars.

Example sentence: On Remembrance Day, we wear poppies as a symbol of respect for those who fought for our country


1. ”A day to remember– 一个值得记忆的日子

2. ”A special day– 一个特别的日子

3. ”A day of celebration– 一个庆祝的日子

4. ”A commemorative occasion– 一个纪念的场合

5. ”A memorable date– 一个难忘的日期

6. ”An anniversary– 周年纪念日

7. ”A milestone– 一个里程碑

8. ”A historic day– 一个历史性的日子

9. ”A significant event– 一件重要的事件

10. ”A momentous occasion– 一个重大的时刻

11. ”In remembrance of– 纪念

12. ”To honor the memory of– 向…致敬

13. ”In celebration of– 庆祝

14. ”To commemorate the anniversary of– 纪念…周年纪念日

15. ”To mark the special occasion of– 标志着…特殊的场合

16. ”Remembering the past, celebrating the present, and looking towards the future.

– 缅怀过去,庆祝现在,展望未来。

17. ”Memories are timeless treasures of the heart.

– 回忆是心中永恒的宝藏。

18. ”The best way to honor the past is to create a better future.

– 尊重过去最好的方式就是创造更美好的未来。

19. ”We do not remember days, we remember moments.

– 我们不会记住日子,我们会记住时刻。

20. ”The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence.

– 过去是一个参考的地方,而不是居住的地方



七品教育 纪念日用英语怎么说