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1. What is the meaning of ”responsibility”?

Responsibility is the state or fact of being accountable for something, especially for one’s actions, decisions, or duties. It involves taking ownership and being answerable for the consequences of one’s actions.

2. How to express ”responsibility” in English?

There are several ways to express ”responsibility” in English, depending on the context and level of formality. Some common synonyms include accountability, duty, obligation, liability, and commitment.

3. What does ”sense of responsibility” mean?

A sense of responsibility refers to an individual’s awareness and understanding of their duties and obligations towards something or someone. It involves a feeling of duty and a willingness to take ownership and be accountable for one’s actions.

4. How can we say ”sense of responsibility” in English?

Some ways to express ”sense of responsibility” in English include:

– Responsibility mindset

– Strong sense of duty

– Feeling of obligation

– Commitment awareness

5. Why is having a sense of responsibility important?

Having a sense of responsibility is important because it helps individuals become more reliable, trustworthy, and accountable for their actions. It also promotes positive behaviors such as taking initiative, being proactive, and fulfilling obligations.

6. How can we develop a sense of responsibility?

Developing a sense of responsibility takes time and effort but can be achieved through various ways such as:

– Understanding the importance of responsibilities.

– Setting realistic goals and expectations.

– Taking ownership for one’s actions.

– Learning from mistakes.

– Being reliable and dependable.

– Fulfilling commitments.

7. Can you give an example sentence using ”sense of responsibility”?

Sure! Here are some examples:

– She has a strong sense of responsibility towards her family.

– The company values employees with a high sense of responsibility.

– As a parent, it is important to instill a sense of responsibility in your children.

– Having a sense of responsibility is crucial for success in any job.

– He showed a great sense of responsibility by taking charge of the project.

8. Is there a difference between ”responsibility” and ”duty”?

While the two words are often used interchangeably, there is a subtle difference between them. Responsibility refers to being accountable for something, while duty refers to a moral or legal obligation to do something. In other words, responsibility is the state of being responsible, while duty is an action that needs to be fulfilled.

9. Can you explain the phrase ”with great power comes great responsibility”?

This phrase means that those who have more power or authority also have a greater responsibility to use it wisely and ethically. It emphasizes the idea that with privilege comes accountability and the need to make responsible decisions.

10. How can we say ”responsibility” without using the word itself?

Some alternatives for ”responsibility” include:

– Obligation

– Accountability

– Duty

– Liability

– Commitment


1. Responsibility in English

Responsibility is the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something. In English, there are several ways to express this concept, depending on the context and level of formality.

2. Sense of Responsibility

One common way to express ”responsibility” in English is through the phrase ”sense of responsibility.” This refers to an individual’s awareness and understanding of their obligations and duties towards a particular task or situation.

3. Duty

Another word that can be used to convey ”responsibility” is ”duty.” This term emphasizes the sense of obligation and commitment towards fulfilling a certain role or task.

4. Obligation

Similar to duty, ”obligation” also conveys a sense of responsibility towards fulfilling a duty or meeting certain expectations.

5. Accountability

In some cases, ”accountability” can be used as a synonym for responsibility, particularly in formal contexts. It refers to the state of being answerable for one’s actions or decisions.

6. Burden

In certain situations, ”burden” can also be used to describe responsibility, especially when it carries a negative connotation. This term implies that fulfilling one’s duties or obligations may be difficult or challenging.

7. Explanation of Responsibility in Different Contexts

The concept of responsibility can vary depending on the context in which it is used. For example:

– In personal relationships: Responsibility refers to an individual’s commitment and accountability towards their partner, family, or friends.

– In the workplace: Responsibility entails fulfilling one’s job duties and meeting work-related expectations.

– In society: Responsibility involves being a responsible citizen by following laws and contributing positively to the community.

– In decision-making: Responsibility means taking ownership of one’s choices and their consequences.

– In leadership: Responsibility involves taking charge and being accountable for leading others towards achieving a common goal.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, there are various ways to express ”responsibility” in English, such as ”sense of responsibility,”duty,”obligation,”accountability,” and ”burden.” The specific term used may depend on the context and level of formality. However, they all convey the idea of being accountable or obligated towards fulfilling a certain role or task








1. Sense of responsibility – 责任感

2. Duty – 责任

3. Obligation – 义务

4. Commitment – 承诺

5. Accountability – 责任制

6. Reliability – 可靠性

7. Dependability – 可信赖性

8. Trustworthiness – 值得信赖的品质

9. Conscientiousness – 尽责的态度

10. Diligence – 勤奋

11. Perseverance – 毅力

12. Dedication – 奉献精神

13. Devotion – 忠诚度

14. Loyalty – 忠诚心

15. Integrity- 正直和诚实

16. Accountable- 应对后果负责

17. Responsible- 有责任的

18. Dependable- 可依赖的

19. Reliable- 可靠的

20.Commitment to duty- 对职责的承诺

21.Obliged to fulfill responsibilities- 履行责任义务

22.Taking responsibility for one’s actions- 对自己行为负责

23.Meeting obligations and commitments- 履行义务和承诺

24.Fulfilling duties with diligence and dedication- 尽职尽责,勤勉奉献

25.Having a strong sense of duty and responsibility- 具有强烈的责任感和使命感



七品教育 责任感用英语怎么说