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我们可以使用“picky eater”来表达“吃得很少”的意思。这个词组常常用来形容那些挑食的人,他们只吃自己喜欢的食物,而且量也很少。可以说,“picky eater”是“饿死鬼”的一个近似翻译。

如果想要更加幽默一些,我们还可以使用“bottomless pit”来形容那些吃得特别多的人。这个词组字面上的意思是“没有底部的坑”,暗指那些永远都吃不饱的人。如果把它和“picky eater”结合起来使用,“bottomless pit with picky eating habits”就可以形象地表达出“吃得特别多但又非常挑食”的意思。

除了以上两种方式外,还有一种比较直接的翻译方法就是使用“starving ghost”。这个词组在英文里没有特定的意思,但是它却能够准确地表达出“饿死鬼”的意思。因为在西方文化中,鬼一般被认为是吃不饱的存在,因此“starving ghost”可以被理解为“永远都吃不饱的人”


你是否曾经在英语课上听过老师说过“starving ghost”的词汇?那么,你知道它其实就是指饿死鬼吗?是的,饿死鬼在英文中的发音就是“starving ghost”。


将这两个单词连起来读,“starving ghost”的发音就是[ˈstɑːrvɪŋ ɡoʊst]。当然,在不同地区或者不同人群中也可能会有些微差异,但总体来说都是以这种方式发音。

那么,你可能会想到,“starving ghost”这个词汇听起来还挺幽默有趣的。确实,在英语中有许多类似幽默搞笑的表达方式。比如,“hungry as a horse”(像马一样饿)、 “as hungry as a wolf”(像狼一样饿)等等。这些表达都是用来形容非常饿的状态,而“starving ghost”则是其中最有趣的一个。

不过,作为翻译人员,我们在工作中要注意使用适当的语言风格,尤其是在非正式场合。如果你想要将“starving ghost”这个词汇直译成中文,那么最好的方式就是“饿死鬼”。因为它既能保留英文原意,又能让读者感受到幽默感


1. 饿死鬼的英文翻译

饿死鬼在英语中的翻译是”starving ghost”,也可以简写为”starving spirit”或者”hungry ghost”。

2. 饿死鬼的用法

在英语中,饿死鬼通常用来形容那些非常贫穷或者非常饥饿的人。比如:”The children in the village looked like starving ghosts.”(村子里的孩子们看起来像是饿死鬼一样)这句话就是在形容孩子们非常瘦弱和营养不良。

3. 饿死鬼的例句

a. ”He’s so skinny, he looks like a starving ghost.”(他太瘦了,看起来像是个饿死鬼。)

b. ”The refugees were like starving ghosts, with no food or shelter.”(难民们就像是没有食物和住所的饿死鬼。)

c. ”I haven’t eaten all day, I feel like a starving ghost.”(我整天都没吃东西,感觉自己像是个饿死鬼。)

4. 那么,为什么要用“ghost”来形容一个人呢?



1. Starving ghost – 饿死鬼的直译,形象地描述一个非常饥饿的人。

2. Hungry as a bear – 比喻非常饥饿,与“熊”有关联,增加幽默感。

3. Ravenous monster – 形容极度饥饿的怪物,带有夸张和幽默的色彩。

4. Famished spirit – 指一个非常缺乏营养的灵魂,也可以用来形容极度饥饿的人。

5. Starving like a refugee – 比喻非常饥饿,暗指难民等处境困难的人群。

6. Hungry for days – 形容持续数天都没有吃到足够食物,强调长期而且严重的饥饿感。

7. Emaciated ghost – 形容极度消瘦和虚弱的“鬼”,也可以用来形容因为长期缺少食物而导致身体虚弱的人。

8. Starved to death – 直接表达因为缺少食物而死亡,带有一定程度的悲伤和可怜之意。

9. Hangry ghost – 将“hungry”和“angry”两个单词组合起来,形成一个新词汇,表示因为饥饿而变得暴躁和易怒。

10. Skeleton in the closet – 比喻隐藏在某处的秘密,也可以用来形容一个非常瘦弱的人,暗指因为饥饿而变得虚弱


1. Starving Ghosts

– Example: The starving ghosts in the Chinese legend are said to roam the earth during the Hungry Ghost Festival.

2. Hungry Spirits

– Example: In some cultures, offerings are made to the hungry spirits to appease them and prevent them from causing harm.

3. Famished Apparitions

– Example: The famished apparitions were believed to be the souls of those who died of starvation and were unable to find peace in the afterlife.

4. Ravenous Specters

– Example: The ravenous specters were said to haunt those who had wronged them in life, seeking revenge for their untimely deaths.

5. Starved Phantoms

– Example: The starved phantoms were often depicted as emaciated and desperate, constantly searching for food in the afterlife.

6. Gaunt Wraiths

– Example: The gaunt wraiths were feared for their ability to possess living beings and consume their energy until they too became starved and lifeless.

7. Emaciated Demons

– Example: In some cultures, it is believed that those who die of starvation become emaciated demons, doomed to wander the earth in eternal hunger.

8. Malnourished Shades

– Example: The malnourished shades were thought to be cursed by their lack of sustenance, forever unable to find peace or rest in death.

9. Haggard Spirits

– Example: The haggard spirits were often portrayed as pitiful beings, begging for food or mercy from the living world.

10. Wasted Souls

– Example: The wasted souls of those who died of starvation were said to be trapped between worlds, unable to move on until they found satisfaction for their unfulfilled hunger



七品教育 饿死鬼用英语怎么说