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1. 定义:discuss是一个英文单词,意为“讨论”,通常指人们就某个话题或问题进行交流、探讨和思考。它可以用作动词和名词,是日常生活中经常使用的词汇之一。

2. 词源:discuss这个单词源自拉丁语“discutere”,由“dis”(分开)和“cutere”(打击)两部分组成,原意为“打破、打碎”。后来演变为“讨论、探讨”的含义,可能是因为在古代罗马时期,人们在讨论时经常用手势打击桌子来表达自己的观点。

3. 与其他相关单词的区别:与discuss相近的单词有debate、argue、talk等。debate指公开辩论或争论;argue指争吵或争辩;talk则更加广泛,可以指谈话、交谈等。相比之下,discuss更加强调对某个话题或问题进行深入思考和交流。

4. 使用场景:discuss通常用于正式场合或学术领域,也可以用于日常生活中。例如,老师会要求学生们就某个问题进行讨论;朋友之间也可以就感兴趣的话题展开讨论;在会议上,参与者们也会就议题进行讨论。

5. 总结:discuss是一个常用的英语单词,意为“讨论”,源自拉丁语,原意为“打破、打碎”。它强调对某个话题或问题进行深入思考和交流,在正式场合和日常生活中都可以使用。希望本小节能帮助你更好地理解这个单词的含义和用法







– We often discuss our plans for the future.


b.过去式:过去式discussed中的-ed结尾发音为/t/或/dʒ/取决于前面的辅音。如果前面是清辅音(如/p, t, k, f, s等),则-ed发/t/;如果前面是浊辅音(如/b, d, g, v, z等),则-ed发/dʒ/。例如:

– They discussed the issue for hours.


– She discussed her concerns with her boss.



– They are discussing the new project.



– The issue was discussed in the meeting.




1. discuss的定义


2. discuss的用法

a. discuss后面可以接宾语,表示讨论的具体内容。例如:We discussed the plan for the project.(我们讨论了项目的计划。)

b. discuss后面也可以接介词with,表示和某人一起讨论。例如:I discussed the issue with my colleagues.(我和我的同事讨论了这个问题。)

c. discuss还可以接形容词或副词作宾语,表示对某个话题进行详细的讨论。例如:They discussed the matter thoroughly.(他们对这件事进行了深入的讨论。)

3. 双语例句

a. We need to discuss this issue further before making a decision.


b. The students were asked to discuss their opinions on the topic.


c. The committee will meet tomorrow to discuss the proposed changes.


d. The two leaders are expected to discuss trade relations between their countries.


e. The panel will discuss the impact of climate change on the economy.


4. discuss的同义词

a. talk about:意为“谈论,讨论”,语气比较轻松,可以用于平常的交流中。

b. debate:意为“辩论,争论”,强调双方针锋相对的争执。

c. confer:意为“商讨,协商”,通常指正式的会议或商务谈判。

d. converse:意为“交谈,对话”,强调双方之间的对话和互动。

5. discuss与其他动词的搭配

a. discuss with sb:和某人一起讨论

b. discuss a topic/issue/problem:讨论一个话题/问题/难题

c. discuss in detail/thoroughly:详细地/彻底地讨论


1. Discuss a topic: 讨论一个话题

2. Discuss an issue: 讨论一个问题

3. Discuss a plan: 讨论一个计划

4. Discuss a solution: 讨论一个解决方案

5. Discuss an idea: 讨论一个想法

6. Discuss a strategy: 讨论一个策略

7. Discuss a proposal: 讨论一个提议

8. Discuss an argument: 讨论一个争论点

9. Discuss a concept: 讨论一个概念

10. Have a discussion: 进行讨论

11. Engage in discussion: 参与讨论

12. Open up for discussion: 开放讨论

13. Initiate a discussion: 发起讨论

14. Lead the discussion: 主持讨论

15. Participate in the discussion: 参与讨论

16. Contribute to the discussion: 贡献意见

17. Continue the discussion: 继续讨论

18. Further the discussion: 探讨更深层次内容

19. Stimulate discussion: 激发讨论

20.Discuss with friends/colleagues/classmates/family members/strangers:和朋友/同事/同学/家人/陌生人一起讨论


1. Debate

– 意思:讨论,辩论

– 例句:We need to have a serious debate about this issue.

2. Talk about

– 意思:谈论,讨论

– 例句:Let’s talk about your plans for the weekend.

3. Exchange views

– 意思:交换意见,讨论

– 例句:We had a great exchange of views during the meeting.

4. Deliberate

– 意思:商讨,研究,讨论

– 例句:The committee will deliberate on the proposed changes to the policy.

5. Converse

– 意思:交谈,谈话,讨论

– 例句:We had a long and interesting conversation, discussing various topics.

6. Dispute

– 意思:争论,辩驳,讨论

– 例句:There is an ongoing dispute between the two parties over the ownership of the land.

7. Consult

– 意思:商量,咨询,讨论

– 例句:We need to consult with our team before making a decision.

8. Negotiate

– 意思:商议,协商,讨论

– 例句: The two countries are currently negotiating a trade deal.

9. Dialogue

– 意思: 对话, 讨论

– 例句: We need to have an open dialogue about this sensitive topic.

10. Brainstorm

– 意思: 集体研究, 集体开发想法, 讨论

– 例句: Let’s have a brainstorming session to come up with new ideas for the project.

11. Hash out

– 意思: 讨论, 解决, 达成协议

– 例句: The two sides need to hash out their differences and come to a compromise.

12. Moot

– 意思: 讨论, 辩论, 提出讨论

– 例句: The issue of climate change has been mooted in many international conferences.

13. Argue

– 意思: 争辩, 讨论, 辩论

– 例句: They argued over the best way to solve the problem.

14. Review

– 意思: 回顾, 讨论, 审查

– 例句: We need to review our progress and discuss any necessary changes.

15. Consider

– 意思:考虑,讨论,审议

– 例句:We will consider all options before making a decision



七品教育 discuss是什么意思