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1. “例子”一词在英语中有多种表达方式,可以根据具体的语境和意义来选择合适的翻译。下面列举了几种常见的表达方式:

– Example:这是最常用的翻译,指代一个具体的事物或情况,用来说明或证明某个观点。

– Case:也可以指一个具体的事例或情况,但更多地用于法律、医学等领域。

– Instance:与example和case类似,指一个具体的实例或情况。

– Sample:通常指取样品或样本进行测试或分析。

– Illustration:比较正式的用法,指以图表、图画等形式来阐述某个概念或观点。

2. “用英语怎么说”的意思是询问某个词、短语或句子在英语中的正确表达方式。因此,“例子用英语怎么说”的意思就是要求给出“例子”这个词在英语中的不同表达方式。

3. 除了上面提到的几种翻译外,还有一些其他的表达方式:

– Demonstration:指通过实际操作来展示某个过程或方法。

– Representation:通常指以图形、符号等形式来表示某个概念。

– Exemplar:比较正式的用法,指作为典范或榜样的事物。

– Specimen:指取样品或标本进行研究或展示。

– Prototype:指作为模型或原型的事物。

4. 此外,还可以根据“例子”的具体含义来选择合适的表达方式:

– Instance:指特定的个体,强调独特性和个性。

– Illustration:指用来阐明某个观点或理论的具体案例。

– Sample:指从整体中抽取出来的一部分,用来代表整体。

– Model:指作为典范或榜样的事物,具有一定的标准性。

– Pattern:指某种规律、模式或范例。

5. 总的来说,“例子用英语怎么说”的意思是要求给出“例子”这个词在英语中不同表达方式,并根据具体语境和含义选择合适的翻译。需要注意的是,在实际使用时还要考虑句子结构和语法规则,以确保翻译准确、流畅


1. Introduction to ”example

”Example” is a commonly used word in the English language, with multiple meanings and uses. It can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective, making it a versatile and important word to know in English. In this section, we will explore the various ways ”example” can be used and how to pronounce it correctly.

2. Noun usage of ”example

As a noun, ”example” refers to something that is used to represent or illustrate a larger idea or concept. For example (pun intended), when teaching new vocabulary words, teachers often provide examples of how the words are used in context. In this case, ”example” is pronounced as /ɪgˈzæmpl̩/.

3. Verb usage of ”example

When used as a verb, ”example” means to give an example or instance of something. For instance (another pun intended), if someone asks for clarification on how to use a new software program, you could say ”Let me example it for you.” In this case, ”example” is pronounced as /ɪgˈzæmpl̩/.

4. Adjective usage of ”example

As an adjective, ”example” describes something that serves as a model or standard for others to follow. For example (yet another pun intended), if someone says ”She is an excellent example of hard work,” they are saying that she sets a good example for others to follow. In this case, ”example” is pronounced as /ɪgˈzæmpl̩/.

5. Common phrases with the word ”example

There are also some common phrases that use the word ”example,” such as:

– Set an example: To behave in a way that others should follow.

– Follow someone’s example: To do something in the same way someone else did it.

– For example: Used to introduce an example or instance.

In all of these phrases, ”example” is pronounced as /ɪgˈzæmpl̩/.

6. Tips for pronouncing ”example

To pronounce ”example” correctly, remember to stress the first syllable and use a short ”i” sound in the second syllable. Also, be sure to pronounce the final ”e” as a schwa sound (/ə/), which is a neutral vowel sound.

7. Practice makes perfect

Now that you know how to pronounce ”example,” it’s time to practice! Try saying different sentences using the word ”example” in its various forms. You can also listen to native English speakers say the word and imitate their pronunciation.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, ”example” is a versatile word that can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective. Remember to stress the first syllable and use a short ”i” sound in the second syllable when pronouncing it. With practice, you will be able to confidently use this word in your everyday English conversations


1. 例子在英语中可以说为”example”,也可以用”sample”来表达。这两个词都是名词,表示一个具体的事物或情况作为说明或证明。

2. 除了直接使用”example”和”sample”外,还可以根据具体情况使用不同的短语来表达。比如:

– For example: 例如

– As an illustration: 作为一个例子

– To give an instance: 给出一个例子

– In particular: 特别是

3. 如果想要强调某个例子是特别好的或典型的,可以使用下面的短语:

– Prime example: 典型的例子

– Classic example: 经典的例子

– Perfect example: 完美的例子

4. 当需要给出一个相反意义的例子时,可以用下面这些短语:

– Counterexample: 反例

– Exceptional case: 特殊情况

5. 在一些特定场合,还可以使用一些特殊的短语来表达例子。比如:

– Case in point: 具体实例(常用于举证或解释)

– For instance: 例如(常用于列举多个具体事物)

6. 如果想要强调某个事物是代表性的或典型性的,也可以使用下面这些短语:

– A typical case of: 典型案例(常用于描述某种情况的典型性)

– A representative example of: 代表性的例子(常用于说明某种事物的特征)

7. 最后,如果需要表达一个例子是为了解释或证明某个观点,可以使用下面这些短语:

– To illustrate: 作为说明

– To demonstrate: 作为证明

– To show: 表明


1. How to say ”example” in English

– Example is a commonly used word in English, and it means a specific instance or case used to illustrate or demonstrate something.

– Some common ways to express ”example” in English include: instance, illustration, sample, demonstration, model, exemplar, case in point.

– For example: ”Let me give you an instance/example of what I mean.

”Can you provide a demonstration/model of how this works?

”This case in point is a perfect illustration of our argument.

2. Common phrases using the word ”example

– For example: This phrase is often used to introduce an example or illustration.

– Such as: This phrase is similar to ”for example” and is also used to introduce an example.

– Take for instance: This phrase is another way to introduce an example and can be used interchangeably with ”for example” or ”such as”.

– As an illustration: This phrase means the same as ”for example” and can be used to provide an illustrative example.

– To give a case in point: This phrase means the same as ”for example” and emphasizes that the following statement is a clear demonstration of the previous point.

3. Synonyms for ”example

– Instance: This word refers to a particular occurrence or event that serves as an illustration or proof of something.

– Illustration: Similar to an instance, this word refers to a specific case or situation that serves as an explanation or demonstration.

– Sample: A sample is a small part taken from a larger whole that represents the characteristics of the whole.

– Demonstration: This word refers to showing how something works or proving its validity through evidence or examples.

– Model: A model is something that represents the characteristics of something else and can be used as an example for comparison.

– Exemplar: Similar to a model, this word refers to a typical or ideal example of something.

– Case in point: This phrase refers to a specific example that proves or supports a previous statement.

4. Other ways to express ”example” in English

– Instance: This word can also be used as a verb, meaning to cite or provide an instance of something.

– Demonstrate: This word can also be used as a verb, meaning to show or prove something through evidence or examples.

– Use case: This phrase is commonly used in technical contexts and refers to a specific scenario or situation where a product or service is used.

– Illustrative case: Similar to use case, this phrase refers to a specific situation that serves as an illustration for understanding something.

– Sample case: This phrase is often used in legal contexts and refers to an actual case that serves as an example for similar cases.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, there are many ways to express ”example” in English. It is important to choose the appropriate word or phrase based on the context and intended meaning. Some common options include instance, illustration, sample, demonstration, model, exemplar, and case in point. By using these alternatives, you can add variety and clarity to your language while expressing the concept of ”example


1. Example – 例子

2. Instance – 实例

3. Illustration – 插图、说明

4. Case study – 案例研究

5. Demonstration – 演示、示范

6. Sample – 样本、样品

7. Model – 模型、范例

8. Prototype – 原型、样机

9. Representation – 表示、表现形式

10. Exemplar – 典范、榜样

11. Scenario – 场景、情景模拟

12. Simulation – 模拟、仿真实验

13. Experiment – 实验、试验

14. Trial run – 试运行、测试阶段

15. Test case – 测试用例、测试案例

16. Practice exercise – 练习题目、实践练习

17. Drill exercise- 训练题目、钻研练习

18. Role play- 角色扮演

19 .Imitation- 模仿,仿效

20 .Emulation- 仿真,模拟

21 .Mimicry- 模仿,摹拟

22 .Reproduction- 复制,再现

23 .Reenactment- 再现,重演

24 .Paradigm- 范例,典范

25 .Criterion- 标准,准则

26 .Benchmark- 基准,标杆

27 .Standard example- 标准示例

28 .Typical case- 典型案例

29 .Quintessential example- 典型例子

30 .Classic case- 经典案例

31 .Prime example- 典型事例

32 .Perfect example- 完美例子

33 .Best example- 最佳示范

34 .Ideal example- 理想示范

35 .Representative case- 典型案例

36 .Sample case- 样本案例

37 .Illustrative case- 说明性案例

38 .Exemplary case- 范例案列

39. Specimen – 标本、样品

40. Instance in point – 一个很好的例子



七品教育 例子用英语怎么说