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地心引力是指一种物理现象,即所有物体都受到地球质量所产生的吸引力。在英语中,地心引力可以被表达为”gravitational pull of the earth”或者”earth’s gravitational force”。这个概念也可以用更简单的方式来表达,比如”the force that keeps us on the ground”或者”the reason why things fall down”. 无论怎么说,地心引力都是一个非常重要的概念,它影响着我们生活中的方方面面,从行星运动到我们走路时的重力。所以,如果你想要用英语来描述这个概念,记住它就是指那股让我们和地球紧密连接在一起的力量



1. Gravity


2. Pull of the Earth


3. Center of Attraction

这个词组比较符合当下年轻人的喜好阅读习惯。它可以指物体或人具有吸引力、魅力等含义。所以可以说,“The center of attraction”也可以用来表达地心引力。

4. Magnetic Force


5. Heart’s Tug

这个词组有点儿诗意,也比较符合非正式语气。它可以指心灵上的吸引力,表达出一种强烈的情感。所以,“heart’s tug”也可以用来形容地心引力



1. 翻译:Gravity

是的,就是这么简单!地心引力在英文中就是“gravity”。这个词来自拉丁语gravitas,意为“重量”或“重要性”。所以,我们可以说“the gravity of the situation”(形势的严重性)或者“the gravity of the moon”(月球的重力)。

2. 发音:[ˈɡrævəti]


3. 更多用法:

除了表示地球的吸引力外,gravity还有其他用法。比如,在物理学中它也指代万有引力(universal gravity),即所有物体之间相互吸引的现象。此外,在日常生活中,我们也可以用gravity来形容某件事情或情况的严肃性和紧迫性。

4. 地心引力的另一种说法:




1. 吸引客户:就像地球吸引物体一样,翻译行业的地心引力也吸引着客户。一个优秀的翻译团队可以通过高质量的翻译服务吸引更多的客户。

2. 保持稳定:地心引力可以保持物体在地球表面稳定,同样,在翻译行业中,优秀的翻译团队可以通过稳定的质量和服务保持客户的满意度。

3. 影响市场:就像地心引力影响着周围物体一样,优秀的翻译团队也会影响整个翻译市场。他们的专业知识和卓越表现将会吸引更多客户,并提升整个行业水平。

4. 提供支撑:在宇宙中,没有地心引力就没有生命。同样,在翻译行业中,没有优秀的翻译团队就没有高质量的翻译作品。他们为整个行业提供了稳定的支撑。

5. 创造奇迹:地心引力可以创造出令人惊叹的自然景观,而优秀的翻译团队也可以通过精准的翻译,创造出令人惊叹的文化交流和沟通奇迹


1. Gravity: This is the most common translation for ”地心引力” in English. It refers to the force that attracts objects towards each other, such as the pull between the Earth and objects on its surface.

Example: ”The gravity of the Earth keeps us grounded.

2. Centripetal Force: This term is used to describe the force that keeps an object moving in a circular path around a central point, such as the Earth orbiting around the Sun.

Example: ”The centripetal force of the Earth’s rotation keeps us from flying off into space.

3. Gravitational Pull: Similar to gravity, this term refers to the force exerted by one object on another due to their mass and distance from each other.

Example: ”The gravitational pull of the moon causes tides on Earth.

4. Mass Attraction: This phrase can be used to describe how objects are drawn towards each other due to their mass.

Example: ”The mass attraction between planets keeps them in orbit around each other.

5. Weightlessness: This term is used to describe when an object experiences no apparent weight due to being in free fall or experiencing a lack of gravitational pull.

Example: ”Astronauts experience weightlessness while in orbit around Earth.

6. Inertia: This refers to an object’s resistance to changes in its state of motion, which can be affected by gravity.

Example: ”The inertia of an object will cause it to continue moving until acted upon by a gravitational force.

7. Escape Velocity: This is the minimum speed required for an object to overcome a planet’s gravitational pull and escape its orbit.

Example: ”In order for a spacecraft to leave Earth’s atmosphere, it must reach escape velocity.

8. Gravitational Field: This term describes the region around an object where its gravitational force can be felt.

Example: ”The moon’s gravitational field extends beyond its surface, affecting the tides on Earth.

9. Gravitational Constant: This is a numerical value used in equations to calculate the force of gravity between two objects.

Example: ”The gravitational constant is an important factor in determining the strength of gravitational forces between celestial bodies.

10. Anti-gravity: This term is often used in science fiction and refers to a hypothetical force that could counteract gravity and allow objects to float or fly.

Example: ”The concept of anti-gravity has long been explored in science fiction novels and movies.



七品教育 地心引力用英语怎么说